- Research Professor+47 97690518
The main objective of this project is to examine how domestic laws and international regulations work and interact to solve environmental challenges and promote sustainable innovations in Norwegian aquaculture.
The project will also seek to understand the extent to which and how the different management systems that govern activities in the aquaculture sector affect corporate strategies and drive sustainable innovation and production in the industry.
In addition, it is an aim to understand how the design of Norwegian management systems can deal more effectively with environmental challenges and promote sustainable innovation and production.
Project period: 2015-2021
- Senior Researcher+45 27245917
- Research Professor+47 92290372
- Research Professor+47 97168296
- Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217
- Research Professor+47 47477405
- Research Professor+47 90123004
- Research Council of Norway (HAVBRUK Programme)
Marine Policy, Vol 117, July 2020, pp. 1-10.
Business and Politics, published online 22.11.2019, 29 p. DOI: 10.1017/bap.2019.30
In O.K. Fauchald and E. Smith (eds), Mellom jus og politikk. Grunnlovens § 112. Oslo, Fagbokforlaget, 2019, pp. 227-252. In Norwegian.
In Susan Park and Teresa Kramarz (eds), Global Environmental Governance and the Accountability Trap. Cambridge (USA), MIT Press, 2019, pp. 143-168.
Regulation and Governance, published online 28.08.2018. DOI: 10.1111/rego.12213
Environmental Policy and Governance, Vol 27, No 1, 2017, pp. 45-58
Nordisk Miljörättslig Tidskrift, No 2, 2016, pp. 89-103.
Global Environmental Politics, Vol 16, No 2, 2016, pp. 42-60.
Norsk Fiskeoppdrett, no. 11, 2019.
FNI Report 3/2019. Lysaker, FNI, 2019, 40 p. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, 18.10.2019. In Norwegian.
- FNI hits the jackpot in research funding bid
- Sustainable salmon farming? A closer look at Norway's aquaculture industry
- Expanding aquaculture at the expense of wild salmon?
- The new Norwegian salmon farming regime - at odds with the Constitution?
- FNI in South Africa: New opportunities in the Blue Economy
Grønn vekst i blå næring? ('Green growth in a blue economy?')
Norsk Fiskerinæring, edition 11/12 2019.
Hvordan løse miljøproblemer samtidig som man øker produksjonsvolumene i oppdrettsnæringen ('How to solve environmental problems while increasing production in the salmon farming industry')
ilaks.no, 13.11.2019. In Norwegian.
Mener nye lusemetoder plager fisken ('New de-licing methods are hurting the fish, experts warn')
Bladet Vesterålen, 25.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Fra luftslott til lakseløsninger ('From fairytale projects to salmon solutions')
Dagens Næringsliv, 24.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Er havmerdene et stort luftslott? ('Are ocean farms fairytale projects?')
Fiskeribladet Fiskaren, 23.10.2019. In Norwegian.
- Det er viktig å ta vare på de mindre aktørene ('- It's important to take care of the smaller players')
Kyst.no, 23.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Luftslott og one hit wonders? Really? ('Illusions and one hit wonders? Really?')
Ilaks.no, 22.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Store uenigheter om fersk rapport ('Big disagreements on new report')
Kyst.no, 22.10.2019. In Norwegian.
– Jeg er forundret over at det går an å lage rapporter uten å innhente opplysninger og erfaringsdata fra de det angår ('- I'm surprised one can publish reports seemingly without gathering information and experience from those involved')
Ilaks.no, 21.10.2019. In Norwegian.
- Havmerder kan være kostbare luftslott ('Ocean farms could turn out to bee too costly')
Metal Supply, 21.10.2019. In Norwegian
Forskere mener havmerder kan bli «kostbare luftslott» ('Researchers warn ocean farms could become too pricy')
Vesterålen Online, 21.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Forskerne mener havmerdene kan bli en stor skraphaug: – Vi kaller det one hit wonders, eller kostbare luftslott ('Researchers warn ocean farms could end up being scrapped: - We call them 'one hit wonders')
Ilaks.no, 20.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Sjømat Norge om forskerrapport: – For tidlig å felle dom over utviklingsprosjektene før de er testet ut og evaluert ('Sjømat Norge on research report: Too soon to evaluate salmon farming development projects')
Ilaks.no, 21.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Forskere mener oppdrett til havs er «kostbare luftslott» ('Researchers warn ocean farming could be pricy and unrealistic')
IntraFish, 21.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Rapport: De store oppdretterne tjener på havbrukspolitikken ('Report: Big salmon farmers are gaining from aquaculture policies')
Sysla, 21.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Havmerdene er «one hit wonders» og «kostbare luftslott», ifølge kritisk rapport ('Ocean farms could become 'one hit wonders' and 'pricy fairytales', report concludes')
Teknisk Ukeblad, 18.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Forskere slår alarm om nye miljøkrav for laksenæringen ('Experts warn against new environmental requirements in the salmon industry')
Dagens Næringsliv, 18.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Kan sette en definitiv stopp for akvakultur i Stølefjorden ('Could effectively put an end to aquaculture in the Stølefjord')
Kragerø Blad, 17.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Klokt å stoppe oppdrett i verdensarvsområdet ('Wise to stop fish farming in World Heritage area')
Fiskeribladet Fiskaren, 11.3.2019. In Norwegian.
De store oppdretterne blir enda større ('The big salmon farmers are growing bigger')
Bergens Tidende, 12.12.2018. In Norwegian.
Superlus og søksmål ('Super-lice and lawsuits')
Fiskeribladet, 5.5.2017. In Norwegian.
-Ingen positive virkninger ('No positive effects of salmon farming')
Altaposten, 23.2.2017. Op-ed by Georg Fr. Rieber Mohn. In Norwegian.
Mener det nye oppdrettssystemet kan føre til brudd på grunnloven ('Thinks the new fish farming system could lead to constitutional breaches')
NRK Trøndelag, 21.1.2017. In Norwegian.
Mener oppdrett kan være i strid med grunnloven ('Thinks salmon farming could be at odds with the Constitution')
Dagens Næringsliv, 11.1.2017. In Norwegian.
Grunnlovens miljøparagraf kan stoppe vannkraftutbygging ('The Constitution could stop hydro power projects')
Ilaks, 11.1.2017. In Norwegian
Grunnloven kan velte oppdrettsvekst ('The Constitution could stop salmon farming growth')
Bergens Tidende, 11.1.2017. In Norwegian