FNI headed for nature summit in Mexico

The high-level summit on global biodiversity starts this week. FNI will be hosting and attending several side-events.
The high-level summit on global biodiversity starts this week. FNI will be hosting and attending several side-events.
In what has been labelled the “Oscars of the think tank world”, the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) has been nominated as best European think tank of the year in the field of energy and environment.
Lise Marie Sundsbø, master's student at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, has been monitoring parts of the recent climate summit. Here she gives a brief introduction to the negotiations and to the most important bones of contention looking ahead.
What future for the Arctic? A pristine and preserved natural reserve, or a full-on "race for resources"? Norway’s new Ambassador for Arctic Affairs has clear views.
Despite the doomsayers, climate policy under a Trump presidency might not turn into the complete disaster many are predicting after all.
An FNI article is the third most cited academic article in all of 2015 in the prestigious and highly ranked academic journal “Regulation & Governance”.
FNI has established relations with foreign policy research institutes in South Africa, and sees promising opportunities for joint research in the years ahead.
The world's largest marine reserve aimed at protecting the pristine wilderness of Antarctica will be created, after an agreement finally was reached on Friday.
FNI researchers recently presented key findings from the InstaRuss project at the annual Aleksanteri conference in Helsinki, Finland.
Russian–Norwegian relations are growing increasingly tense, as Putin’s regime becomes more authoritarian. How can we talk to our eastern neighbor?
FNI project on the global diffusion of emissions trading heads forward with key meetings and conferences in Beijing.
Two FNI books on Arctic politics have been translated and are now available for the Chinese market.
Have Norwegian-Russian relations reached a low point since the fall of the Soviet Union? And how do we approach an increasingly authoritarian Russian regime?
FNI tilbyr stipend til studenter som skal skrive masteroppgave om et tema innenfor FNIs syv fokusområder:
FNI tilbyr stipend til studenter som skal skrive masteroppgave om et tema innenfor FNIs syv fokusområder:
Janet Stephenson, director for the Centre for Sustainability at the University of Otago, New Zealand, sees a shift towards more local and community-based marine resource management. But is local and small-scale resource management necessarily better than large-scale, market-based policy instruments?
FNI director Geir Hønneland earlier this week took part in an expert seminar in Beijing where procedures for peaceful encounters at sea in the South China Sea were discussed
Have we really entered a new geological time period, the Anthropocene? A period where the human impact on the earth is, in fact, so massive that it has created a new geological interval of time?
From 21 to 24 April, the Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI) hosted a meeting of the Anthropocene Working Group, which considered evidence for a human-driven interval of geological time, the Anthropocene.
A new comprehensive FNI Report documents the complicated political negotiations leading to the EU's 2030 Climate and Energy Framework in 2014 by assessing the influence of the EU's key executive institutions, the member states and the various stakeholders in the interest group community.