Call for abstracts - Arctic Frontiers 2022
Arctic Frontiers 2022 “Pathways” will take place on 31 January – 3 February 2022
Arctic Frontiers 2022 “Pathways” will take place on 31 January – 3 February 2022
In the course of the past one a half years, three FNI researchers achieved academic promotion and now have full professor competence. One of the trio – Øystein Jensen – is also professor of law at the University of Southeast Norway (USN).
I løpet av det siste halvannet året har FNI fått tre nye forskere med full professorkompetanse. Øystein Jensen er også blitt professor i rettsvitenskap ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge.
Vi har ledig en fast stilling som seniorforsker ledig tilknyttet forskergruppen for klima- og energipolitikk.
In recent years, FNI has four times topped the prestigious ranking of Norwegian research institutions with the greatest number of scientific publications per researcher person-year. The 2020 figures have been announced – with FNI setting a new record.
De seneste årene har FNI fire ganger ligget på toppen av den prestisjefulle lista over hvilke norske forskningsinstitusjoner som har størst vitenskapelig publisering per forskerårsverk. Nå er 2020-tallene kommet, og FNI setter ny rekord.
'Young people often bring fresh perspectives and fresh ideas’, says FNI director Iver B.Neumann. ‘Any organization needs young blood to rejuvenate is, and the FNI is no exception’.
Steinar Andresen and Jon Birger Skjærseth are the guest editors of the fresh edition of the journal International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics (INEA).
Tema for utgaven er hvordan vi kan nå målene for Paris-avtalen.
Lørdag var seniorforsker ved FNI Andreas Østhagen gjest i NRK Helgemorgen hvor han snakket om stormaktsspillet i Nordområdene og dialogen mellom Norge og Russland.
While the ‘target model’ served as an informal template for EUs electricity market reform in the 3rd energy package, it is not mentioned in the Clean Energy Package. Does this mean that the target model is abandoned, and with it, the energy only principle it builds upon? A new REMAP policy brief sheds light on this issue.
A position as PhD Research Fellow is available at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway. The purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree.
New FNI report on the corona consequences on global governance of health and nature, attentive to the role of China and to poverty perspectives.
Ocean governance, Russia and the Arctic politics of other states have always been important pinnacles in FNI’s research portfolio. That’s why we are delighted that FNI have received funding in a string of new projects enabling us to continue focusing on these issues, and further strengthen FNIs position as Norway’s leading research institute on issues related to the Hight North. Funders are the Research council of Norway, EEA grants Romania and the Norwegian Ministry of Defence.
I årets første nummer av Fjell og Vidde vier DNTs medlemsblad mange sider til å få fram ulike standpunkter i vindkraftsaken. Også FNI-forsker Lars H. Gulbrandsen er kilde i reportasjen, og forteller om FNIs forskningsresultater knyttet til vindkraft.
On January 19th FNI organized a webinar on the High North and foreign policy.
Fredag kom regjeringen med sin nye klimaplan. Over 200 sider peker de på en rekke mål og tiltak Norge skal iverksette for å innfri sine internasjonale klimaforpliktelser. – Dersom Erna Solberg legger opp til en klimaavtale med Frp, er det det fare for at klimaplanen svekkes, sier Lars H. Gulbrandsen ved FNI.
A position as PhD Research Fellow is available at the Fridtjof Nansen Institute, Lysaker, Norway. The purpose of the fellowship is research training leading to the successful completion of a PhD degree.