- Research Professor+47 90123004
The objective of JCLOS has been to assess how the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) and other international legal instruments and domestic implementing legislation that together form the law of the sea are responding to both new and existing challenges in order to ensure sustainable development and peaceful utilisation of the oceans in the 21st Century.
JCLOS was coordinated by UiT, The Arctic University of Norway, with FNI as national consortium partner.
> More information on JCLOS' website
FNI’s main contribution to the centre was within the work package entitled Fundamental Challenges for the Law of the Sea. From a fundamental perspective, the research within this work package focused on two areas.
First, it looked at the driving factors for the development of the law of the sea, including state practice, the role and decision-making of international institutions and the role and significance of international courts and tribunals.
Second, the research focused on the interaction of the law of the sea with other branches of public international law, such as international trade law, human rights and international criminal law.
FNI also contributed to several of the other work packages at the Centre, with research on areas such as maritime boundaries and outer limits, international navigation and marine environmental protection. While the Arctic was an important focus area, the research was not limited to Arctic issues, but law of the sea in general.
Project period: 2013-2019
- Senior Researcher+45 27245917
- Research Professor+47 47478477
- Research Professor+47 99796020
- Research Professor+47 47478351
- Senior Researcher+47 90021931
- Faculty of Law, UiT, The Arctic University of Norway (project coordinator)
- K.G. Jebsen Foundation
- Research Council of Norway
- UiT, The Arctic University of Norway
In Elise Johansen, Signe Veierud Busch and Ingvild Ulrikke Jakobsen (eds), The Law of the Sea and Climate Change: Solutions and Constraints. Cambridge University Press, 2020, pp. 22-48.
In Irene Dahl and Øystein Jensen (eds), Svalbardtraktaten 100 år - et jubileumsskrift. Fagbokforlaget, 2020, pp. 9-17. In Norwegian.
In Irene Dahl and Øystein Jensen (eds), Svalbardtraktaten 100 år - et jubileumsskrift. Fagbokforlaget, 2020, pp. 9-17. In Norwegian.
In Irene Dahl and Øystein Jensen (eds), Svalbardtraktaten 100 år - et jubileumsskrift. Fagbokforlaget, 2020, pp. 19-50. In Norwegian.
In Øystein Jensen (ed), The Development of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Role of International Courts and Tribunals. Edward Elgar, 2020, pp. 262-267.
In Øystein Jensen (ed), The Development of the Law of the Sea Convention: The Role of International Courts and Tribunals. Edward Elgar, 2020, pp. 1-13.
In Svein Vigeland Rottem and Ida Folkestad Soltvedt (eds), Arctic Governance: Norway, Russia and Asia. Volume 3. I.B. Tauris, 2020, pp. 187-209.
Ocean Development and International Law, published online 23.03.2019, 33 p. DOI: 10.1080/00908320.2019.1582669
In Alex G. Oude Elferink, Tore Henriksen and Signe Veierud Busch (eds), Maritime Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law. Is it Consistent and Predictable. Cambridge (UK), Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 33-61.
In Stefanie Hessler (ed), Tidalectics: Imagining an Oceanic Worldview through Art and Science. Cambridge (USA), MIT Press, 2018, pp. 125-134.
In Oude Elferink, Alex G., et. al. (eds), Boundary Delimitation: The Case Law: Is It Consistent and Predictable? Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018, pp. 351-375.
Ocean Development & International Law, Vol 48, No 3-4, 2017, pp. 209-215.
In Svein Vigeland Rottem and Ida Folkestad Soltvedt (eds), Arctic Governance: Law and Politics. Volume 1. London, I.B. Tauris, 2017, pp. 151-178.
In Svein Vigeland Rottem and Ida Folkestad Soltvedt (eds), Arctic Governance: Law and Politics. Volume 1. London, I.B. Tauris, 2017, pp. 133-149.
In Svein Vigeland Rottem and Ida Folkestad Soltvedt (eds), Arctic Governance: Law and Politics. Volume 1. London, I.B. Tauris, 2017, pp. 107-132.
In H.N. Scheiber, C. Esposito, J. Kraska and M.-S. Kwon (eds), Ocean Law and Policy: 20 Years under UNCLOS. Leiden/Boston, Brill Nijhoff, 2016, pp. 101-123.
In Elena Conde and Sara Iglesias Sánchez (eds), Global Challenges in the Arctic Region: Sovereignty, Environment and Geopolitical Balance. London, Routledge, 2017, pp. 170-195.
Arctic Review on Law and Politics, Vol 7, No 1, 2016, pp. 60-82.
Ocean Development and International Law, Vol 47, No 1, 2016, pp. 72-88.
In Sven Holtsmark (ed), Naboer i frykt og forventning: Norge og Russland 1917-2014 ('Neighbors in Fear and Expectation: Norway and Russia 1917-2014'). Oslo, Pax forlag, 2015, pp. 565-575. In Norwegian.
In L.C. Jensen and G. Hønneland (eds), Handbook of the Politics of the Arctic. Cheltenham, Edward Elgar, 2015, pp. 227-246.
Ocean Development and International Law, Vol 46, No 1, 2015, pp. 50-59.
The Yearbook of Polar Law, Vol 6, No 1, 2015, pp. 349-374.
Nordic Journal of International Law, Vol 84, No 4, 2015, pp. 580-604.
Climate Law, Vol 4, Nos 1-2, 2014, pp. 70-84.
Ocean Development and International Law, Vol 45, No 2, 2014, pp. 171-185.
Nordlys, 14.5.2019. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, 28.2.2019. In Norwegian.
Nature. Correspondence, in 565, 161 (2019).
Arctic Review on Law and Politics. Vol. 9, No. 1, 2018, pp. 264–266
Oxford Bibliogaphies in International Law, published 11.01.2018.
Dictum, Vol 1, No 1, 2015, pp. 20-21. In Norwegian.
FNI Report 12/2014. Lysaker, FNI, 2014, 54 p.
- New books: on the Law of the Sea and the Svalbard Treaty
- Calls for more high-profile Arctic Council
- Changing oceans in the Anthropocene: Norway takes a leadership role
- New agreement to safeguard North Pole against unregulated fishing
- Experts gathered in Tromsø: What future for the polar regions?
- Fish, not oil, at the heart of the South China Sea conflict
- Experts discussed management of international waters
- Troubled waters for Polar protection: Setback for expansion of the Polar Code
- Towards new governance in the Arctic?
- FNI expert to advise UN on combatting marine plastic pollution
- FNI in South Africa: New opportunities in the Blue Economy
- World's biggest marine reserve created in Antarctica
Mistenkeliggjøring, konspirasjonsteorier og strategier på kollisjonskurs skaper trøbbel ('Suspicion, conspiracy theories, and colliding strategies are causing trouble in the Arctic')
High North News, 17.08.2019. In Norwegian.
L’Arctique, champ de bataille entre Chine, Russie et États-Unis ('The Arctic battlefield between China, Russia and the United States')
Slate Magazine, 16.6.2019. In French.
Dette blir det første møtet i Arktisk Råd uten felleserklæring ('This is the first Arctic Council meeting not leading to a joint statement'
High North News, 7.5.2019. In Norwegian.
北极治理模式的国际探讨及北极治理实践的新发展 ('International Discussion on Arctic Governance Model and New Development of Arctic Governance Practices')
Pinlue.com, 27.3.2019. In Chinese.
„Dank“ Klimawandel: Die Arktis wird zum geopolitischen Hotspot ("Thanks" to Climate change: The Arctic becomes a geopolitical hotspot')
Euractive.de, 1.3.2019. In German.
Fault-lines surface in Arctic as region turns into geopolitical hotspot
Euractive, 26.2.2019.
Norway summons additional judges to rule on EU snow crab war
Ghana Nation, 18.1.2019.
Norway summons extra judges to rule on EU snow crab war
Radio France International, 18.1.2019.
Norway Supreme Court Hears Snow Crab Case with Implication for Oil
Marine Technology News, 15.1.2019.
Norway Supreme Court to hear snow crab case with implication for oil
Dailymail.co.uk, 15.1.2019.
Norway Supreme Court to hear snow crab case with implication for oil
Reuters, 15.1.2019.
UiT-forskere gir innspill til FN for ny havrettskonvensjon ('UiT researchers advice the UN on new Ocean Treaty')
UiT. 3.4.2017. In Norwegian.