- Senior Researcher+47 48074508
The REMAP project analyzes EU Energy Union Reform and impacts on Norway's energy policy strategy.
The main research question is: How are reformed IEM/renewable energy policies likely to affect Norway’s ability to pursue its market- and trade-based energy policy strategy?
In line with this main objective for the project, three main research tasks will be conducted in parallel workstreams in the project:
- Assess and explain the output of the IEM/renewable energy reform policies in the Clean Energy for all Europeans package, based on policy and market feedback.
- Assess and explain energy-policy developments in selected EU member states in response to the Clean Energy for all Europeans package.
- Analyse how the reform will impact Norway’s energy strategy.
The project offers new approaches to explaining EU energy-policy reform; and how this impacts national policies in several countries, with subsequent effects on Norway’s room for manoeuvre regarding its energy-policy strategy.
Project period: 2018-2022
- Research Professor+47 97168296
- Research Professor+47 92016644
- Senior Researcher+47 48052768
- Thema Consulting Group (Berit Tennbakk associated project leader)
- Norwegian Energy and Water Directorate (NVE)
- Statnett
- Energy Norway
- Agder Energi
- The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association
- NorthConnect
- Malcolm Keay (Oxford Institute for Energy Studies)
- Claudia Kemfert (DIW-Berlin)
- Leigh Hancher (Tilburg University/Florence School of Regulation)
- Lars Bergman (Stockholm School of Economics)
- Research Council of Norway (ENERGIX programme)
- Norwegian Energy and Water Directorate (NVE)
- Statnett
- Energy Norway
- Agder Energi
- The Norwegian Oil and Gas Association
- NorthConnect
Environmental Innovation and Societal Transitions, Vol 45, 2022, pp. 132-153.
Energy Research & Social Science, published online 05.04.2021. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.102043
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, published online 18.02.2021. DOI: 10.1007/s10784-021-09529-4
International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics, Vol 21, No 1, 2021, pp. 1-15.
In R.K.W. Wurzel, D. Liefferink and D. Torney (eds), Pioneers, Leaders and Followers in Multilevel and Polycentric Climate Governance. Routledge, 2020, pp. 104-125.
Chapter 6 in Elin Lerum Boasson, Merethe Dotterud Leiren and Jørgen Wettesta (eds), Comparative Renewables Policy: Political, Organizational and European Fields. Routledge, 2021.
International Political Science Review, published online 22.04.2020, 15 p. DOI: 10.1177/0192512120907112
In Michèle Knodt and Jörg Kemmerzell (eds), Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Springer, 2019, 25 p.
Environmental Politics, published online 02.06.2019, 22 p. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2019.1625145
Politics and Governance, Vol 7, No 1, 2019, pp. 152-164
Politics and Governance, Vol 7, No 1, 2019, pp. 60-69.
Environmental Politics, Vol 27, No 3, 2018, pp. 498-518
Energi og Klima, July 6, 2023. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, October 28, 2022. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, September 5, 2022. In Norwegian.
Forskning.no, August 27, 2022. In Norwegian.
THEMA Report 2022-4, 22 p.
FNI Report 3/2021. Lysaker, FNI, 2021, 41 p.
REMAP Insight Report no. 1 - 2021. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting.
Europower Energi, 14.08.2020. In Norwegian.
Northconnect-regningen kan halveres ('The power cable NorthConnect could become 50 percent cheaper')
Dagens Næringsliv, 13.08.2020. In Norwegian.
REMAP Working Paper. Lysaker, The Fridtjof Nansen Institute, May 2020, 25 p.
REMAP Working Paper. Oslo, Them Consulting, April 2020, 59 p.
REMAP Insight Report no. 6 - 2019. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting.
REMAP Insight Report no. 8 - 2019. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting.
FNI Report 4/2019. Lysaker, FNI, 2019, 45 p. In Norwegian.
REMAP Insight Report no. 7 - 2019. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting.
CICEP report, 01.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Klassekampen, 30.09.2019. In Norwegian,
Arendalsuka 2019. Debate presentation.
Arendalsuka 2019. Debate presentation.
Arendalsuka 2019. Debate presentation.
REMAP Insight report no. 5 - 2019. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting Group.
REMAP Insight nr. 4 - 2019. Thema Consulting Group and Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
REMAP Insight nr. 3 - 2019. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting Group.
REMAP Insight nr. 2 - 2019. Fridtjof Nansen Institute and Thema Consulting Group.
REMAP Insight nr. 1 - 2019. Thema Consulting Group and Fridtjof Nansen Institute.
Dagsavisen, 10.12.2018. In Norwegian.
Klima, 13.06.2018. In Norwegian.
- What happened to EUs target model for the electricity market?
- Brexit har stor betydning for Norge
- Windpower, Arctic geopolitics and EU climate policy: FNI at Arendalsuka '19
- EU struggles to phase out Member State price regulations on electricity
- FNI part of historic research venture: Designing climate policies for the future
- The EU ACER debate: 'Political dynamite'
- Renewed interest for EU energy book
- Boosting renewables ‘outside the EU’: The case of Norway and Switzerland
EU vil jevne ut strømprisene (The EU will level out electricity prices)
Klassekampen, January 25, 2023. In Norwegian.
Vurderer en spansk en (In Spain and Portugal a price cap has led to lower electricity prices. EU might follow)
Klassekampen, September 6, 2022. In Norwegian.
Tyskland er hardt rammet av energikrisen. Årsakene går mange tiår tilbake (Germany is hit hard by the energy crisis. The reasons go back many decades)
Aftenposten, September 1, 2022. In Norwegian.
Leyen er lei høye priser (Leyen tired of high energy prices)
Klassekampen, August 31, 2022. In Norwegian.
Flere i EU ønsker makspris på gass (EU countries mull energy price cap)
Klassekampen, August 30, 2022. In Norwegian.
Frykter priseksplosjon: - Veldig problematisk (How EU's proposed ban of import of Russian oil can affect Norway)
Børsen Dagbladet, May 4, 2022. In Norwegian.
Truer med stengte kraner (Russia threatens to close gas pipelines)
Klassekampen, March 31, 2022. In Norwegian
Er det å «strupe kablene» til utlandet en løsning på høye strømpriser? Eksperten forklarer (Is "choking the cables" abroad a solution to high electricity prices?)
Vårt land, 29 January 2022. In Norwegian.
– Ny norsk regjering må ta tøffe valg i energipolitikken (New Norwegian government must make tough choices in energy policy)
Montelnews.com, 10 September 2021. In Norwegian.
– Da koronakrisen traff Europa var entusiasmen rundt Green Deal allerede i ferd med å avta ('– When the corona crisis hit Europe, enthusiasm for the Green Deal had already started to fade')
Magasinet Klima, 14 April 2020. In Norwegian.
EU og klima: Koronakrisen gir «ekstremt verdifull lærdom» til kampen mot klimakrisen ('EU and climate: The corona crisis provides "extremely valuable lessons" for the fight against climate change')
Energi og Klima, 25 March 2020. In Norwegian.
– Acer er ikke så farlig som mange tror ('Acer is not as dangerous as many people think')
Montel News, 25.11.2019. In Norwegian.
EØS i fri flyt ('EEA in free flow')
Dag og Tid, 04.10.2019. In Norwegian.
– Aps forslag er en giftpille for GO-ordningen ('The Labour Party's proposal would be poison for the GO scheme')
Montel. 15.08.2019. In Norwegian.
Dagbladets Acer-vuggesang ('Dagbladet's ACER lullaby')
Nationen, 30.07.2019. In Norwegian.
Ingen grunn til ny Acer-panikk ('No reason for renewed panic over ACER')
Dagbladet, 29.07.2019. In Norwegian.
Effektivt kvotemarked bidrar til å nå klimamål ('Effective emission trading helps us reach climate goals')
Energi Norge, 30.5.2019. In Norwegian.
Hva blir den norske gassens fremtid? ('What future for Norwegian gas?')
NRK P2, Studio 2, 27.2.2019. In Norwegian
Forskere samarbeider om en mer treffsikker klimapolitikk ('Researchers join forces for a more effective climate policy')
Forskning.no, 22.1.2019. In Norwegian.
25 år siden Norge sa nei – EU-frontene like steile som før ('25 years since Norway said No – the EU fronts are as hard as ever')
Dagsavisen, 14.12.2018. In Norwegian.
Kull mot klima i Katowice ('Coal vs. climate in Katowice')
Vårt Land, 10.12.2018. In Norwegian.
Kjemper mot vindmøller ('Fighting windmills')
Morgenbladet, 30.11.2018. In Norwegian.
Regjeringen bruker ikke EØS-handlingsrommet. Det er den ikke alene om ('This government - like the ones before it - is not using its potential power within the EEA Agreement')
Dagsavisen, 29.11.2018. In Norwegian.
Derfor strides de om EØS-avtalen ('This is why they're struggling with the EEA Agreement')
Dagsavisen, 27.11.2018. In Norwegian.
EU-landa bremser for maktoverføring til Acer ('EU member states reluctant to give power to Acer')
Nationen, 21.11.2018. In Norwegian.
EUs energi EUs energibyrå, Acer, blir ikke så «farlig» for Norge som mange ville ha det til ('The EU's energy bureau Acer will not be as «dangerous» to Norway as many thought')
Fri Fagbevegelse. 21.6.18. In Norwegian.
EU sier nei til mer Acer-makt ('EU says no to increasing ACER's power')
Dagsavisen, 20.06.2018. In Norwegian.