Research Professor+47 97690518
Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217
Research Professor+47 47477405
Senior Researcher+45 27245917
Research Professor+47 92290372
Research Director, Biodiversity and Natural Resources+47 95118037
Researcher+47 97303118
Master's Student+47 41216970
Master's Student+47 98099020
Master's Student+47 90911094
FNI research focuses on international efforts to ensure conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and fair distribution of benefits from genetic resources. Interaction with trade agreements and intellectual property rights is central.
International environmental agreements on biological diversity seek to ensure the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and a fair distribution of benefits derived from genetic resources. FNI research is aimed at international processes with ramifications for these objectives, including interaction with international agreements on trade and agriculture. Central to this work is the interaction between regimes for access & benefit-sharing (ABS) from use of genetic resources and legislation on intellectual property rights to biological material.
Research is carried out with regard to the management of wild as well as domesticated genetic resources in agriculture and aquaculture. Both the CBD and the FAO Plant Treaty (ITPGRFA) are central to this work and the implementation as well as the interaction between them constitutes central topics of research.
The regulation of bioprospecting, GMOs and invasive alien species, and policy and law for the management of protected areas, are other central topics.
FNI also researches international forest politics, forest management and certification (ecolabelling). Central topics include the evolution of international forest policies and non-state certification schemes, as well as the interactions between public and private authorities in addressing such issues as protected areas, carbon sequestration in forests, illegal logging, and forest law enforcement, governance and trade.
In Phillipa C. McCormack and Richard Caddell (eds), Research Handbook on Climate Change and Biodiversity Law. Edward Elgar, 2024, pp. 25-47.
Journal of Applied Ecology, available online 27.06.2024, 12 p. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2664.14712
Development Studies Research, Vol 11, No 1, published online 18.06.2024, 15 p. DOI: 0.1080/21665095.2024.2357095
Forest Policy and Economics, Vol 166, published online 14.06.2024, 9 p.
In Nikolas Sellheim and Joji Morishita (eds), Japan's Withdrawal from International Whaling Regulation. Routledge, 2024, pp. 27-42.
Forskersonen.no, December 27, 2024. In Norwegian.
Nationen, November 26, 2024. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, July 3, 2024. In Norwegian.
World Aquaculture, June 2024.
Aftenposten, May 27, 2024. In Norwegian.
- Fridtjof Nansen Institute at Arctic Frontiers 2025
- Nytt forskningsprosjekt om alvorlig sykdom i norsk kjøttproduksjon
- New research project on serious disease in Norway’s meat production
- New study shows challenges in implementing forest sink policies
- Irja Vormedal Promoted to Research Professor
"Seabed Minerals Are Already Outdated"
High North News, August 15, 2024.
Her svømmer fisken på land (Wild Salmon Crisis Spurs Push for Onshore Fish Farming)
NRK Vestland, July 10, 2024. In Norwegian.
Frykter dagens vindkraftpolitikk kan skade natur og strømproduksjon (Concerns Over Wind Power Policy Impact on Nature and Energy)
NRK, March 25, 2024. In Norwegian.
NRK-funn om naturen: – Kan vise brot på Grunnlova (NRK Findings on Nature: Possible Breaches of the Constitution)
NRK, 23 January 2024. In Norwegian.
Polacy kupują go na potęgę. Nie mają pojęcia, co jedzą (Poles buy it in droves. They have no idea what they're eating)
Witualna Polska (WP), 19 January, 2024. In Polish.