Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217
Senior Researcher+47 48074508
Research Professor+47 92016644
Research Professor+47 97168296
Research Professor+47 41277416
PhD Research Fellow+47 97487413
PhD Research Fellow+47 92250208
Researcher+47 46481387
Research Professor+47 90404155
Master's Student+47 94077201
Master's Student+47 47480680

FNI is a long-term analyst of European energy and environmental policy both within and outside the framework of the EU.
FNI research under this umbrella focuses on policy development and implementation, both at the domestic and EU level. FNI also studies the relationship between the EU, European states, Norway, and organisations and industry in the areas of energy and environmental policy. Priority is given to understanding EU climate change policy, herein the greenhouse gas emissions trading system and renewable energy and energy efficiency policies. Other key policy areas studies include transboundary pollution and marine issues.
FNI's energy research furthermore focuses on European energy market regulations and responses by energy sector actor. This includes energy companies' environmental and social responsibility (CSR) strategies.
Case Studies on Transport Policy, Vol 19, 2025, 12 p.
European Journal of Risk Regulation, Vol 15, No 4, pp. 827-845.
Scientific Data, published online 29.11.2024, 23 p. DOI: 10.1038/s41597-024-04111-4
Environmental Research: Energy, Vol 1, No 4, 2024, 19 p.
Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift, published online 15.10.2024, 14 p. DOI: 10.1080/00291951.2024.2412862
Altinget.no, January 8. 2025. In Norwegian.
Science Norway, January 4, 2025.
Forskning.no, December 13, 2024. In Norwegian. English version here.
FNI Report 6/2024. Lysaker, FNI, 2024, 23 p.
Altinget.no, November 18, 2924. In Norwegian.
Europeisk avhengighet av kinesiske mineraler (Europe's Dependence on Chinese Minerals)
NRK Urix (radio). February 1, 2025. In Norwegian.
Arbeiderpartiet vil behandle kun tre EU-direktiver: – Kan ikke bare fortsette å si nei, sier forsker (Labour Party to Tackle Three EU Directives: 'Can't Keep Saying No')
Forskning.no, January 31, 2025. In Norwegian.
EU-regler splitter regjeringen – hva handler de egentlig om? (EU rules divide the government – what are they really about?)
Forskning.no, January 30, 2025. In Norwegian.
Misinformation and why-bother attitudes threaten Vancouver’s green reputation
The Narwahl, January 30, 2025.
Eksperter: Acer-motstand kan sette hele EØS-avtalen i spill (Experts: ACER Opposition Could Threaten the EEA Agreement)
NRK, January 30, 2025. In Norwegian.