Research Professor+47 97690518
Research Professor Emeritus+47 97073042
Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217
Research Professor+47 47477405
Research Professor+47 97168296
Research Professor+47 47478351
Research Professor+47 47478477
Research Professor+47 41277416
Research Director, Biodiversity and Natural Resources+47 95118037
PhD Research Fellow+47 92250208
Research Professor+47 90404155
Master's Student+47 90911094
FNI conducts empirical, theoretical and legal studies on global governance, with focus on environmental issues.
Many of FNI's empirical studies del with the UN and its many sub-agencies, and its key role in global environmental governance as both an arena and an actor. How does the UN system contribute to the effectiveness of global governance, and can it be enhanced? Various global environmental agreements are studied, as are the role and position of key state actors.
Theoretical studies employ regime theory to analyze how conventions and regimes are created, how they develop and what factors they are influenced by. Another important issue is analyzing how they work - what kinds of institutional design make regimes effective?
Legal studies focus on the treaties and decisions that constitute the legal basis of the institutions and their formal powers. Such studies also consider the content of rights and duties of states under the respective treaties. Are the institutions, procedures and substantive rules designed so that conflicts are avioded and synergies enhanced?
Journal of European Public Policy, published online 07.10.2024, 24 p.
Global Policy, published online 30.06.2024, 21 p. DOI: 10.1111/1758-5899.13401
Journal of International Relations and Development, published online 08.11.2023. DOI: 10.1057/s41268-023-00316-z
In Harlan Koff, Thomas Kolnberger and Karl Hampel (eds), Agency, Security and Governance of Small States A Global Perspective. Routledge, 2024, pp. 49-62.
International Politics, published online 17.07.2023, 20 p. DOI: 10.1057/s41311-023-00494-0
South China Morning Post, February 5, 2024.
Aftenposten, December 22, 2023. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, December 22, 2023. In Norwegian.
Panorama Nyheter, December 17, 2023. In Norwegian.
Altinget.no, March 29, 2023. In Norwegian.
Verdens største forurensere møtes til klimasamtaler ("World's Biggest Polluters Convene for Climate Talks")
NRK, July 18, 2023. In Norwegian.
Norge eksporterer farlig oljeavfall til Danmark: – Ulovlig, mener jusprofessor (Norway exports dangerous oil waste to Denmark: 'Illegal', says law professor)
NRK, January 12, 2023. In Norwegian.
Nu er det naturens tur til at få en Paris-aftale. Men det bliver svært. (It is nature's turn to get a Paris agreement. But it will be difficult)
Politiken, December 7, 2022. In Danish.
Folk er mer villige til å akseptere klimatiltak om andre land også bidrar (People are more willing to accept climate measures if other countries also contribute)
Forskning.no, November 6, 2022. In Norwegian.
MDG: Krever innsyn i regjeringens oljetillatelser (Requires insight into the government's oil permits)
VG, May 7, 2022. In Norwegian.