- Deputy Director / Research Director Climate and Energy+47 97540217
The potential trade-off between greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions and nature protection is clearly seen in policies aimed to promote renewable energy. This project focuses on how this trade-off is treated in Norwegian windpower development.
The project will examine all windpower licenses given and rejected in Norway to identify how nature protection concerns and the cumulative effects of several plants, extensive new access roads and grid connections have been treated. This examination of aggregate trends will form the basis for further analysis.
What determines ultimate responses by the licensing authority to this trade-off? We will first examine the extent to which relevant Norwegian policies and regulatory frameworks have been affected by the EU and European and international environmental treaties. Sweden, as an EU member state, will be analysed as a contrast case.
Next, an in-depth examination of central Norwegian government and agencies will look for explanations at the central government level. This examination will be supplemented by case studies and comparisons across regions in Norway that are typical high-pressure areas. These studies will focus on regional and local factors that influence the integration of nature protection concerns in windpower licenses, specifically how cumulative effects of new windpower projects are addressed at these levels.
Finally, we will examine how legal frameworks and licensing processes more effectively can take into account the cumulative effects of windpower projects. Ultimately, the project seeks to understand whether and how the political objectives of windpower development and nature protection in Norway can be combined, particularly in regions under high pressure from human activities.
Project period: 2016-2022
- Research Professor+47 47477405
- Research Professor+47 97168296
- Research Professor+47 97690518
- Senior Researcher+47 48074508
- Research Professor+47 92016644
- Senior Researcher+45 27245917
- Research Council of Norway (MILJØFORSK Programme)
Environmental Politics, published online 17.05.2022, 22 p. DOI: 10.1080/09644016.2022.2075153
In Hans Christian Bugge (ed), Klimarett. Internasjonal, europeisk og norsk klimarett mot 2030. Oslo, Universitetsforlaget, 2021.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 74, 2021, pp. 1-12. DOI: 10.1016/j.erss.2021.101963
Journal of Cleaner Production, published online 11.07.2020. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.122860
Nordic Environmental Law Journal, No 1, 2020, pp. 59-79.
Local Environment, Vol 25, No 2, 2020, pp. 147 - 161. DOI: 10.1080/13549839.2020.1712342
In Michèle Knodt and Jörg Kemmerzell (eds), Handbook of Energy Governance in Europe. Springer, 2019, 25 p.
Energy Research & Social Science, Vol 52, 2019, pp. 181-191.
Altinget.no, May 24, 2023. In Norwegian.
Include Resultater og Anbefalinger 07/2022, 4 p. In Norwegian.
Forskersonen, October 11, 2022. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten Innsikt, June 2022. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, May 20, 2022. In Norwegian.
Nysgjerrigper, 7 September 2021. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 30 June 2021
Aftenposten, 25 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 15 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 8 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Science Norway, 2 April 2021.
Forskning.no, 10 March 2021. In Norwegian.
Kommunal Rapport, 27.11.20. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, 18.11.2020. In Norwegian.
Report submitted to Motvind Sørvest 15.10.2020, 18 p. In Norwegian.
Report submitted to Aksjonsgruppa mot vindkraftutbygging på Faurefjell 18.07.2020, 18 p. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 20.07.2020 (In Norwegian)
FNI Report 1/2020. Lysaker, FNI, 2020, 47 p. In Norwegian
Aftenposten, 7 May 2020. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 21 April 2020. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 6 April 2020. In Norwegian.
Master thesis, 2019. Faculty of Landscape and Society, NMBU
Verdens Gang, 24.10.2019. In Norwegian.
Kommunal Rapport, 27.09.2019. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, 8.5.2019. In Norwegian.
Dagens Næringsliv, 5.4.2019. In Norwegian.
FNI Report 1/2018. Lysaker, FNI, 2018, 49 p.
Aftenposten, 26.04.2016. In Norwegian.
Aftenposten, 12.04.2016. In Norwegian.
Lokalpolitiker og Hafjell-investor meldte seg inhabil 31 ganger på to år (Local politician and Hafjell investor declared himself to incapacitated 31 times in two years)
NRK, February 15, 2023. In Norwegian
For gammelskogsartene har flatehogst og nedbygging samme negative effekt (For old-growth forest, clear-cutting is as bad as degradation)
Forskersonen.no, October 18, 2022. In Norwegian.
Norsk skogbruk er et av verdens mest bærekraftige (Norwegian forestry among the world's most sustainable)
Forskersonen.no, September 24, 2022. In Norwegian
– Norge var i teten som miljøvernnasjon. Så kom den forferdelige nedturen ('Norway was at the forefront as an environmental nation. Then came the terrible downturn')
Morgenbladet, March 25, 2022. In Norwegian.
Konfliktnivå og utbygging av vindkraft (Conflict level and development of wind power)
Norske tilstander, TV2. 21 October 2021. In Norwegian.
Øya som ble delt i to (The island that was cut in two)
NRK TV, Brølet fra bygda. 5 September 2021. In Norwegian.
NVE: Neppe særlig mer vindkraft de neste 5–10 årene (The Norwegian Water Resources and Energy Directorate predicts a halt in wind power development)
NTB/Stavanger Aftenblad, 20 August 2021.
Neppe særlig mer vindkraft de neste 5 til 10 årene (More wind power unlikely for the next 5 to 10 years)
Forskning.no, 20 August 2021. In Norwegian
Ingen ny norsk vindkraft på ti år. NVE-sjefen spår full stopp (No new wind power projects in ten years)
Teknisk ukeblad, 19 August 2021. In Norwegian.
Vindkraftkonflikten er folkets oppgjør med lovbrudd (The wind power conflict is the people's way of dealing with offenses)
Aftenposten, 23 June 2021. In Norwegian.
Vindkampen (Wind Wars)
Fjell & Vidde 1/21, 26.01.21. In Norwegian.
Nå skal kommunene styre vindkraften – for hvem og hvor? (The municipalities will control the windpower - for whom and where?)
Kommunal Rapport, 18.12.20. In Norwegian.
Ingen lokal vetorett mot vindkraft (No municipial veto against wind power)
Dagens Næringsliv, 03.12.20. In Norwegian
Why some municipalities accept windpower farms
Science Norway, 14 July 2020.
Kommunene vil ha mer makt i vindkraftsaker ('Municipalities want a greater say in windpower cases')
NRK, Dagsnytt 18, 22 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Folkestyret sultestreiker på Stortinget ('Democracy on hunger strike at the Storting')
Dagsavisen, 20 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Kan bli den første vindkraftsaken i Høyesterett ('Could be the first windpower case in the Supreme Court')
NRK, 19 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Jussekspert: - Staten kan stanse vindkraftprosjekter ('Legal expert: - The state can stop windpower projects')
Sunnmørsposten, 19 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Slåss mot vindmøller ('Fighting against wind turbines')
Siste med Marie Simonsen, 18 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Meiner det er for seint å stanse vindkraftanlegget på Haramsøya ('Believes it is too late to stop the wind power plant on Haramsøya')
NRK, 12 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Stormfullt om vindkraft ('Stormy windpower debates')
NRK Debatten, 4 June 2020. In Norwegian.
Upartisk forskning om vindkraft? ('Impartial research on windpower?')
Aftenposten, 5 May 2020. In Norwegian.
Vindkraftkommuner føler seg lurt ('Windpower communities feel misled')
Morgenbladet, 23 April 2020. In Norwegian.
Her vil kommunen ha omkamp om vindkraftverk ('The municipality wants a second round on windpower')
Bergens Tidende, 3.12.2019. In Norwegian.
Hvordan bør vi beskatte vindkraft? ('How should we tax windpower?')
Harvest Magazine, 29.09.2019. In Norwegian.
Kan Brüssel redde norsk natur? (Could Brussels be the rescue for Norwegian nature?')
Harvest Magazine, 28.09.2019. In Norwegian.
Omkamp om ubygde vindkraftverk er mulig ('A second evaluation of unbuilt windpower plants is possible')
Harvest Magazine, 25.09.2019. In Norwegian.
Er vindkraft for viktig til å lytte til lokalpolitikerne? ('Is windpower too important to be left to local politicians?')
NRK, Politisk Kvarter, 28.08.2019. In Norwegian.
Myter og misforståelser om vindkraft ('Myths and misconceptions in the windpower debate')
Forskning.no, 21.08.2019. In Norwegian.
Når vinden snur ('When the tide turns')
Harvest Magazine. 22.06.2019. In Norwegian.
Utredninger fra 90-tallet gir utbygginger i dag ('Asessments from the 90's basis for today's windpower development')
Harvest Magazine, 23.6.2019. In Norwegian.
- Det som skiller Norge fra Danmark og andre land er at vindkraftparkene er store og at de bygges i urørt natur og kuppert terreng ('- What separates Norway from Denmark and other countries is that the wind farms are large and that they are built in pristine and mountainous areas')
EnerWE, 18.6.2019. In Norwegian.
Bremsene må på i vindkraftsaker ('Should slow down windpower development')
Kommunal Rapport, 14.6.2019. In Norwegian.
Hubroen taper mot vindturbiner ('The eagle-owl loses against wind turbines')
Kommunal Rapport, 6.6.2019. In Norwegian.
Bygger vindkraftverk utenfor utpekte områder ('Builds windpower plants outside designated areas')
Bergens Tidende, 3.6.2019. In Norwegian.
En naturavgift på vindmøller må tilfalle staten ('A nature tax on windpower must accrue to the state')
Dagens Næringsliv, 9.5.2019. In Norwegian.
Vindkraftopprør i emning ('Windpower rebellion rising')
Kommunal Rapport, 9.5.2019. In Norwegian.
På dette fjellet kjem 150 meter høge vindturbinar ('150 meters high wind turbines will be built on this mountain')
NRK, 4.5.2019. In Norwegian.
78,7 prosent sier nei til vindkraft i folkeavstemning ('78,8 percent voted no to windpower in referendum')
Adresseavisen, 2.4.2019. In Norwegian.